Thursday, December 31, 2015

“Ashes to Ashes… Life in Flashes”

“Ashes to Ashes… Life in Flashes”

Standing Alone… Craving for… To be On Side… To get a side… Side so Drawn… Blowing horn… Horn so high… Bleeding Cries… Crying too much… Munching the Crush… Crushing along… Standing Strong…

Ashes to Ashes… Life in Flashes…

Moment of pause… Bringing the cause… Cause so High… Tea Coffee Fries… Cries to try… Trying along… Moving along… Feet so Frozen… Stem so Broken… Broken the Heart… Brings out Art…

Ashes to Ashes… Life in Flashes…

Honor the Part… Parting start… Words so flown… Thrown the Storm… Storming the Clash… Clashing the power… Power so Towering… Pressure so High… Testing the Clan… Cloning the Part… Parting Start…

Ashes to Ashes… Life in Flashes…

Staring the road… Road so froze… Freezing so Shard… Money plays Part… Parting the Bond… The Bond of Respect… No Money can Dissect… Dissector so Furious… Crushing and Curious…

Ashes to Ashes… Life in Flashes…

Wings of Money… To... Wings of Honor… Stuck so Together… Clashing and Clashing… Struck so Together… Burning to Ashes… Time thou Lost… Losing the charm… Charms of Glory… Honoring the Story…

Ashes to Ashes… Life in Flashes…

Dissector Exposed… Running to Close… Closing the Hole… Holed thou the Soul… The Bond thou Tested… Honor never Rested… Flowing with Honor… Harboring to Shore… The Shore so High… High thou the Dreams... Dreaming... Still I Fly…

Ashes to Ashes… Life in Flashes…

Standing Alone… Moment of Pause… Staring the Road… No money can Dissect… The Bond of Respect…  Honoring my Part… Party Starts…

Ashes to Ashes… Life in Flashes…

Thursday, September 24, 2015

"And so I Fly"

"And so I Fly"

With the journey at hold... 
Taking time to unfold... 
The myths so told... 
The steps so bold... 
Standing up... 
Holding shore...
And so I fly...

To the top so we reached... 
Holding hands so pleased... 
The wind so blowing... 
Heart so flowing... 
Forces too glowing... 
Smiles growing...
And so I Fly...

Hugged so together... 
Beating hearts forever... 
Firing the storm... 
Storming the visions... 
Shouting through the silence...
And so I fly...

Thus the sudden thrust... 
That push so burst... 
Bursting the silence... 
Falling down behind the parlance... 
The air so against... 
Frictioning the frame... 
My look so straight... 
The hands broke away... 
The holding so hurt... 
That pushing thrust...
And so I fly...

The music to ears... 
Sound of cheers... 
Cheering the crowd... 
Crowding the choir... 
The look so pale... 
The silence so stale...
And so I fly...

The fear so near... 
Nearing the road... 
That road of desire... 
The heart still on fire... 
The beating thou stopped... 
Stopping it all... 
Waiting for thud... 
The body to crush...
And so I fly...

The smile on the face... 
Zooming out at a pace... 
Closing so the eyes... 
Vision still so bright... 
Bright is the sun... 
Bright is the moon...
And so I fly...

Flashes of past... 
Crossing the chart... 
Charting the glory... 
Feeding the heart... 
Cheering the mind... 
All coming down... 
The sins burning grace...
And so I fly...

The heart cries for father...
Forgiveness from the mother...
Loving so the spouse...
Children so proud...
Fear lost the ground...
Gods embracing crown...
Tears tumbling down...
Head crushing the ground...
And so I fly...
And so I fly...

Monday, August 24, 2015



The match Rubs…
Its Fire…

Burning  Desire… The smoke so dense… Life’s so tense… Tensed the storm… Storming along… The train passes through… Throughout… Through you… You so funny… Acting so my bunny… Jumping around… Hopping you found… The ground we desire… Desires don’t end… The acts don’t mend… Designing ones den… Dense and dark… Dark is my pyre… O yes my sire…

The match Rubs… 
Its Fire…

The path so changing… Circling circling… Life comes circling… The birth to dearth… The canopy of urge… Urging the pants… Panting romance… Romancing desires… Life’s on fire… Bits to bits… Pieces to slit… Slitting the kisses… I love you my wishes…

The match Rubs… 
Its Fire…

The hair gone down… Receding frown… The child loving clown… The love so there... Was here… Now where… The smiles and laughs… Such loving the craft… The hands so warm… Why sweating palms… The smiles left lines… Laughs left shrines… The claps sound slaps… The soul so battered… Life seems better… Batter to matter… The wintery sweater… Closing arms… The sun freezing charm…

The match Rubs… 
Its Fire…

No smiles… All frowns… Frowning the glory… Life lost its story… The circle complete… The mist so Tressing…  Down…  Down…  Needs dressing… Holding the self… The book on the shelf… The shell is broken… The curse is the token… Token to queue… Queuing for who… Who… Who... Was once… The face have known… Known so the passage… The rights to wrongs… Wrong the desires…

The match Rubs… 
Its Fire…

Saturday, May 30, 2015

“A Mole in the Soul… Too young… Too old”

“A Mole in the Soul… Too young… Too old”

Night so Dark… Heartfelt Sound… Pumping Blood… The Quiet so Lie… Embracing the Self… Soul surround… Too Quiet too Near… The Dark has Fear… Fear the Self… The Selfless Peer… Night so Dark… The Sun is Near… The Dawn so Break… The Quiet is Clear… Chirping Birds… They Whole so Appear… The Shadow so Cast… The Image looks Bigger… Holding Hands… The Power so Near… The Eyes so Twinkle… The Heart do Beat… The Soul so Sheer… Hold hands with Fear… Promises of Peer…  The Path so Near… So start the Walk… Arms around… Slashing Hard… None do Frown… Winning Shard… The Shadow so Bleak… Hiding with Fear… The Ego so Gone… Sun Bright all Along… The Sweat so Out… New Plants so Sprout… The Day is Bright… Spreading Light… Burning Fear… Behind they Stand… Holding the Hand… Pulling Down… Standing Atop… Times Flowing Through… They Burning Hole through… The Time so Prime… Young so Divine… The Times don’t Stop… Ticking is the Clock… Clock changes to Cloak… Shadows taking Toll… The Sun going Down… The Young getting Old… New Crop about to Pour… The Shadow taking Hold… The Hand Left Alone… The Friends so Mine… With Heads turn Aside… They Walk through my Side… Leaving Hole in my Soul…  The Youth is their Prime… They now Don’t have the Time… The Dawn so Breaths… Shadows Covering Streets… The Sun going Down… The Dark comes Around… Night so Dark… Heartfelt Sound… Pumping Blood… The Quiet so Lie… Embracing the Self… Soul so Cry… The Tears come out Dry… My Friends so were Mine… Holding Hands to be Mine… Too Young… Too Old… The Mole in my Soul…

Friday, May 1, 2015

“On the Rocks… Stoned”

“On the Rocks… Stoned”

Heat the wave… Weaving around… Shouting loud… Cries surround… Mountains high… The highest Peak… Peaking out… The Silence of cold… Deeds of one… Ones indeed… Clashing around… The life surround… The metal of Death… The Deadly Blow… Heat the Wave… Blowing so… Shouting loud… Cries surround…

Chanting Name… In the name of God… God so Silent… Nature so Loud… Waiting for Godot… The Body and Soul… The Spear so Near… The Sword so Dear… Clashing along… Blowing so… Shouting loud… Cries Surround…

The Earth so Shook… The Skin so Thick… Nature Surround… The Silence so Out… Minding the Games… The Games of Mind… Hearts Broken… Broken the Bones… The Vaults all open… My Pockets all Broken… Money the Color… Colors of Life… Life so True… Humans so Cruel… Swords are Out… The Soul so Shout… Shouting Loud… Cries Surround…

Heat the Wave… Weaving Around…. Shouting Loud… Cries Surround…