“Hate O Hate… Heart
The Pen is Out… Outing the Shout…
Shouting the Screams… Screaming for Streams… Streaming the Slide… Slide so Glide…
Body O Mine… Pumping in Pumping Out…
The Aroma so Around… The ground so High…
Blood rushing for Higher… Higher o Higher… Screaming Desire… Play my Mate… Hate
to Erase…
Erasing the Sun… Clouds Rushing to Shun… Shunning the Wire… Water
burning Desires… Desires so Freaky… Life so Creaky… Stop me Not You… I Dare you
Not To…
For Two and Two make One… The Point of No Return… Returning with a Gun…
Gun Gunning Down the Fun… Fun so the Pun… Heart looking for a Nun… Nun makes
them Run… Running away from Sun…
Fear so Creeping… Passion so Retreating… The Fire
so thou Hated… Heated my Heart Plated… Plated is the Soul… Body dying in a Hole…
Whole is the World… Holy are the Words… Words of Fire… Hating… Hate the Desire…
Desire to be Fire… Burning down Entire…
Body Tumbling… Brain Assembling… Heart
Pumping… Pumping and Bumping… Bumping that Fire… Fire of Hate… Hate for thou so
Late is the Moment… Passion is the Moment… Moment of Pause… Passing Across…
Across the Shake… Earth so Break…
Hate o Hate… Heart Meditate…