Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Man n Rays

A life so lived, with the one’s around, loose their heart their faith all along, the journey so bitten can make one bedridden…. Comes along a ray… Ray not of hope not of light not of anything, just the ray to raise the bar to let more tears fall and fill the hour… the hour of pain n despair… the hour of memories filled with despair… still in pair!!!
Names so taken, gets erased…. The smile so needed, gets erased… Dreams if any don’t leave me, in pain or when rain, don’t leave me… Dead like a river, pregnant so seems… wonder where this ray may lead me to redeem….
A life so lived, living along… His ray of of Love never erase… May the Man get this ray… live’s this life and the smile remains!!!


niki vassardanis said...

a poem... and i do so get moved by poetry. it is truly beautiful... truly. may the man get this ray... lives this life and the smile remains. for the triumph in this life is the smile.

SiaSmita said...

Lovely....t'is sooo well said :)